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3- Local Office Data Configuration

Office Data

Before configuring service data, you need to set the local office information, that is to set the properties of the local MSC Server, including.

Data Collection
Before data configuration, you deed to collect data in the following
two tables:

(1) Network information


(2)Office map information

Configuration Procedure

Parameter Relationship
The commands for configuring office data and their parameter relations are shown in the following figure.

Explanation of Commands

   Adding local GT information
GT is short for global title, and is used globally. It implements the circuit independent message transmission between random SP.
Adding SCCPGT is used to address globally through GT    information.
Set [Translation type] as default value “00” for the mobile network and set [GT indicator] as GT4.
For the local user of SCCP, set [Translation result type] as “SPC”.

You need to add mobile nation access code: ADD NACODE

e.g.   ADD NACODE: NAC=K'130;

You need add all of the access codes just like 130,131,132…139,159… before add the prefix and others.

MSRN/HON Allocation Mode Configuration

MSOFTX3000 can flexibly implement the following MSRN/HON allocation modes,they can be configured in the ADD VLRCFG:
Allocating MSRN/HON based on LAI number
Allocating MSRN/HON based on MSC number
Allocating MSRN/HON randomly
MSRN/HON allocation mode configuration comprises prefix configuration and suffix configuration.

Configuration Procedure

Parameter Relationship

MSRN/HON Allocation Mode Configuration

Related Maintenance Commands

Maintenance Commands of local office data configuration

Commands of local office data configuration

Commands of MSRN/HON allocation mode configuration

Data Collection of Configuration Example

Network information of local office is shown in the following table:

Map information of local office is shown in the following table: