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Number Processing in the SRI-REQ Flow

Number processing in the SRI-REQ flow refers to a process of number change or number normalization on the numbers carried in the SRI-REQ message that is sent from the MSC to the HLR.

Figure 1 Flowchart

Number normalization in the SRI-REQ flow is applicable to calling numbers and called numbers carried in the SRI-REQ message. MSISDN normalization is used to normalize an MSISDN to an international number that contains the country code but no international prefix. For details about number normalization in the Auxiliary Number Processing table, see "Calling number contained in the SRI message" and "Called number contained in the SRI message" described in Number Analysis Procedures. Detail:

Table Description

Table Name Command Input Parameter Output Parameter Function Description
Auxiliary Number Processing table ADD AIDNUMPRO
  • Call source name
  • It specifies the type of a number.
  • DN set
  • Number prefix
  • Auxiliary number address nature
  • Maximum length of auxiliary number
  • Number change name
  • Designated auxiliary number format
Based on the call source name, number type, and number prefix, the MSOFTX3000 queries the Auxiliary Number Processing table for the number change name.
Here, this table is used to perform number change on an MSISDN in the SRI-REQ flow.
MAP Interface Number Change ADD MAPIFNP
  • Number prefix
  • Change option
  • Number format
  • Number change name
Based on the number prefix and change option, the MSOFTX3000 queries the MAP Interface Number Change table for the number change name.
Here, this table is used to perform number change on numbers sent over the MAP interface.